Sunday, June 28, 2009

You stay classy Novi Sad

Entering Novi Sad for the first time one and a half weeks ago was a culture shock. As I write to you today, it has become a home away from home. The atmosphere of this town is quiet and simple. The food is tasty, and I feel comfortable. During our time here, our team was stretched physcially, spiritually, and emotionally. We went through a three day fasts while being surrounded by the sweet, sweet aroma of fornetti. We saw spiritual growth as we tried to outreach to the students of Novi Sad while kicking the occasional pigeon for good luck. We grew emotionally by sharing our life stories with one another, and from that created powerful bonds as team members. All of this crammed into two weeks can change a person forever, for the better of course.

Tomorrow we move into Belgrade with the STINT team, leading a larger team of 70 students from all across the world to outreach at the college olympic games. We enter this outreach event with some concerns, some uncertainties. Belgrade sounds to be a different type of place than Novi Sad, but it promises to stretch us individually and grow us closer together as team. It will be interesting to see what God has in store for us in Belgrade. I look forward to writing to you all again.

Stephen Jackson, Serbia Summer Project

Friday, June 26, 2009

Of Strength and Courage

Hey, there! I'm Joshua Cozadd, and this is my first post here on the SX09 Blog. Periodically, the team will be sharing different stories from the summer. I have been asked to write the first post, so here you go (and be sure to watch our first video, recorded and edited by the wonderful Michael Webb!).

Presently, I could share with you a number of different stories of what God has already done in the past week alone. However, one thing specifically that God has pointed out to me greatly affects this summer, and my life in general. During evangelism on the Novi Sad campus I was confronted with an old insecurity, and that being a lack of confidence in what I do. This directly affected my ability to approach people on the University and begin conversations with the students. I began praying for this and that God would reveal to me a way around this. That's when he directed me to the book of Joshua (ironically...). Joshua 1:9 had been pointed out to
me several times by a number of different friends and leaders, but reading it now finally drove the point home. This is what the verse says: "Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go" (Joshua 1:9, NIV).

Be strong and courageous in the Lord... Of course! Something that seems so simple, and yet something I have found so difficult to implement into my own life. But that's just it, we have been commanded by the Lord our God, so be strong and courageous in what His plans are for us. After all, just as Paul told Timothy, God has not given us a spirit of timidity, but one of power, love, and self-discipline. This has helped me have strength and courage in God's plan for Serbia and trust in His plan for the six short weeks that we have here.

So, quick reminder for all of you out there: Trust in God's plans and be strong and courageous in Him!

Video Update Numero Uno

Here is a welcome video from the team. We will periodically be inserting these in the midst of our blogs so continue to check for them and I hope you enjoy!

In Faith, Hope and Love,

The SX09 Team


We have created this blog for our friends and family back home in America to be able to follow what goes on with SerbiaXperience 09. We will be sharing videos, pictures, and stories of our summer here.

Check back often and feel free to leave us comments!!

-The SerbiaXperience (SX09) Team